Just fill up on sunshine

Sunshine comes our way: our first photovoltaic system was connected to the grid at the beginning of June. A milestone on our holistic approach to sustainable logistics.

"We took a holistic approach to our sustainability concept right from the start," says Stefan Rieck, Managing Partner of the Rieck Logistics Group. "We want our own emission-free cycle as far as possible." In other words: generate solar energy ourselves, store it with sufficiently powerful battery technology and make it available to our own vehicle fleet via our own (fast) charging infrastructure, operate the building and feed the surplus into the grid.

1,780 solar modules are installed on the 10,000 square meter roof in Großbeeren. With an output of around 660 kWp, they generate 615 megawatt hours per year - the equivalent of 175 households.

Green prospects

Großbeeren was just the beginning. Further solar roofs are already planned: The second system will be installed on our new building in Oberkrämer next year and Rieck has already started planning for the sites in Rade near Hamburg and Neuss.

The entire truck fleet also consists of Euro6 vehicles. The conversion to e-vehicles has already begun with an electric truck and several hybrid cars. "We would like to be further along here," admits Stefan Rieck openly. "But sometimes it simply fails due to practicality." For example, there is often a lack of range, load capacity, the current delivery time and still the available charging infrastructure.

Rieck is proactively addressing the last point and is now building its own 180 kW e-charging station on the company premises in Oberkrämer. This will allow vehicles to be charged either in sequential charging mode with 180 kW one after the other - or three vehicles with 60 kW each in parallel.

"We are moving forward step by step," summarizes Stefan Rieck. "For maximum sustainability in our efficient logistics processes."

Rieck uses around a quarter of the electricity produced to supply the logistics facility, while the rest is fed into the power grid. This is how we reduce our CO2 footprint: over the 20-year lifetime of this plant alone, we save almost 6,700 tons of the greenhouse gas
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