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We get everything on the (sea) way

New qualification, new service: we are now also stowing sea freight containers - to ensure that everything crosses the ocean safely.

Containers and their contents have to withstand a lot. Acceleration, impact and vibration forces during transportation or relocation. Static forces during stacking. Climatic stresses when passing through different climate zones. "During sea transportation, the cargo must also be secured against all ship movements such as rolling or pitching," explains Stephanie Dittberner, Head of Contract Logistics at our subsidiary HOMTRANS. "For this reason, the stowing - i.e. packing - of containers is highly regulated."

Up to 40 million containers are in use worldwide.

One-stop service

Now that we are qualified in accordance with the CTU packing guidelines, we can also offer this step in the supply chain - this is particularly interesting for our customers who also use our warehousing and customs services. An external packing shed is no longer necessary. This shortens delivery times, communication channels and, last but not least, transport costs.

"Warehousing, customs clearance, stowage - order management from a single source."
Ronny Zellhorn, Sales Manager HOMTRANS

We already handle up to three containers per week: whether 20 or 40 TEU, with or without hazardous substances or moisture-sensitive goods. Are you interested? Feel free to contact our colleagues in Kavelstorf at frachtanfragen@homtrans.de.