IT-offensive launched

New IT infrastructure, business intelligence solution and Wi-Fi expansion: the Rieck Logistics Group is continuing the digital expansion of the company.

The Rieck Logistics Group's new data center was launched last year. The modern control center now forms the basis for a comprehensive IT refresh within the Group. The digital expansion is being coordinated by Tom Polten, Head of IT for the entire Rieck Logistics Group. Together with his project team, he initially integrated a completely new IT infrastructure at Rieck. The new "FlashStack" system from Pure Storage and Cisco offers comprehensive management of network, server, storage and virtualization. "The new solution is used to update the storage during operation, for example, which saves time and money," says Tom Polten. "The system is also much more performant than the previous solutions." The team then migrated 200 virtual servers under VMware to the new hardware within a very short space of time - and all without disrupting employees during the changeover.

Intelligent forecasts

In addition to replacing the IT infrastructure, the implementation of a comprehensive business intelligence (BI) solution is at the top of Rieck's agenda: the comprehensive software allows all business processes to be systematically analyzed. "We can use the data to create reliable forecasts of what developments can be expected in a project or business unit," explains Björn Schulz, who has been Chief Digital Officer (CDO) at Rieck for several months.

We are rapidly expanding our WLAN capacities.
Björn Schulz, Chief Digital Officer at Rieck

Pilot phase successful

As a pilot project, Rieck implemented a BI solution in the air and sea freight sector, using data from the transport management system used there. In the meantime, implementation has also started in contract logistics/fulfillment, system forwarding and waste disposal logistics - most systems are to be integrated into this BI solution by 2023. All activities will then be bundled in a BI Competence Center. "Two colleagues per business area work here, who know the logistics processes in their area inside out," says Björn Schulz.

The system performs much better than the previous solutions.
Tom Polten, Head of IT at Rieck

WLAN expansion underway

However, new IT solutions also require high-performance networks: a changed working day with video conferencing and working from home, new software solutions or additional device functions require more capacity. For example, Rieck uses mobile scanners that can also take photos. "We are therefore rapidly expanding our Wi-Fi capacities," says Björn Schulz. It started in Berlin, Dresden and Rostock. All locations will be converted by mid-2022.

Rieck regularly has its IT security checked by external partners.

Safety first

And with all the digital innovations, the issue of data security must of course not be forgotten: The Rieck Logistics Group therefore regularly has its IT security checked by external partners. "Maximum security precautions must be easy to handle, but should affect work processes as little as possible," says Tom Polten. "It's always a balancing act, but it also moves our company forward into the future."

from left: Tom Polten and Björn Schulz
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