Ein Rieck-Lkw vor dem Brandenburger Tor

Everything once please

Our trade fair/event department offers the best of our range of services - this time for Zeeh Design.

Whether it's assembly and dismantling, groupage and special transportation or customs clearance and interim storage: anyone who books our trade fair/event department can make full use of the Rieck world portfolio. And this is usually essential for large events or complex trade fair appearances. We have been able to demonstrate our expertise for Zeeh Design for 10 years now.

"We see ourselves as a 360° service provider - simply all-round service."

Brand identity in space

Zeeh Design has been creating brand experiences for its customers at trade fairs, showrooms and events for around 40 years. The approach is holistic: from project and budget planning to design and engineering of all required elements. "For us, all the wheels fit together - and we expect the same from our logistics service provider," explains Zeeh Design. "What use is the best design if it doesn't arrive at the trade fair on time?"

We have already worked hand in hand with Zeeh Design at many Berlin trade fairs such as Green Week, Fruit Logistica and the ITB travel trade fair. Now another job has called on all our expertise: a 500-person event at the Brandenburg Gate and the nearby Bolle Festsäle premises, where we were completely responsible for the logistical solution.

14 full truck loads from three destinations divided into 20 time slot deliveries.

It took a whole week to set up - starting at Whitsun, when there were a particularly large number of tourists on site. But the experienced team is used to navigating carefully through crowds of people with heavy equipment. In the festival halls, the narrow corridors were again a challenge when it came to deploying the special equipment required, such as scissor lifts or high-lift ants.

The department was reinforced with additional employees to handle the logistics for the 150 tons of material such as stages, panels, screens, loudspeakers and lamps. The top priority was to remain flexible at all times, as additional transportation at short notice is common at a large event. And the bottom line? With this order, the trade fair/event division was able to really show what it is made of: groupage and special transports, time slot deliveries, special equipment, continuous flexibility - whether at the weekend, on public holidays or at night.

In the meantime, the team has transported everything away again, removed all traces of the event and is looking forward to the next challenge.

Eine Scherenbühne passt gerade so durch einen engen Gang
Important advance planning: Which appliance fits through which aisle?
Ein offener Rieck-Lkw mit Ladung
150 tons of material are waiting to be professionally assembled.
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