There's music in it

1,500 kilometers, a 25-ton truck and countless individual parts: We transport a historic organ for restoration and back.

Karl Schuke GmbH has been relying on Rieck's transport service for 25 years - whether throughout Germany or as far away as Norway and Japan. The Berlin organ workshop, one of the oldest in Germany, restores organs with great attention to detail and wants to be sure that the sensitive freight arrives reliably.

In the summer of 2021, the professionals from Rieck's trade fair and furniture department collected the historic Maurach organ from Maria Alm in Austria and transported it to Berlin. In the summer of 2022, we were able to make the return journey with the restored freight: Days before departure, Rieck provided a swap body in front of the workshop so that the carefully packed individual parts could be safely stowed away. With around five tons of "music in our luggage", we made the 750-kilometre journey back to the mountain village.

"A lot of dexterity was required on site to navigate our 25-ton truck safely through the narrow alleyways," says Michael Zander, Head of the Furniture/Exhibition Department at Rieck. "The last few meters were very adventurous over a cemetery path made of small stones directly to the church." The unloading was all the quicker afterwards: As already known from other organ transports, the parish provided numerous helpers so that the truck was empty in just a few hours.

It then took a good four months to assemble the organ, restore it to its original color and tune it before it was ceremoniously put back into operation at the beginning of July with a dedication celebration.