64 results:
Team building and communication are important pillars of the Fit For Future project - implemented at our summer events.
[Translate to EN:] Luftbild des Rieck-Standorts Dresden
Whether employees, shipment volumes or site area: the signs here are pointing to growth.
Sunshine comes our way: our first photovoltaic system was connected to the grid at the beginning of June. A milestone on our holistic approach to sustainable logistics.
[Translate to EN:] Rosti Group Logo
From screw caps to packaging and seat shells: Rosti is a specialist in plastic injection molding. The components and products are needed around the globe. Rieck handles worldwide transportation for…
Rieck uses recycling collection bags made from 100 % recycled material. This is how recycling for recycling works.
We moved into our forwarding location and headquarters 20 years ago. Always with an eye on the future.
Even in times of tight capacities, Rieck offers its customers reliable transportation to China - and has even doubled its volume.
Training with international experience: Rieck apprentice Peter Balthasar gained international contacts in "Sweden's Silicon Valley" at the end of 2021.
Rieck Entsorgungs-Logistik developed an efficient waste disposal concept for the SMS group's major construction site in Mönchengladbach.
The name says it all: Rieck is setting the course for a successful future with numerous measures. Fit For Future.
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