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The man for cool transportation

We are now offering temperature-controlled transportation. Our new colleague Andreas Wolff is setting the pace with this additional service.

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New qualification, new service: we are now also stowing sea freight containers - to ensure that everything crosses the ocean safely.

Melanie Piechotka, our new branch manager in Großbeeren, talks about her start, her goals and her priorities.

Ein Rieck-Lkw vor dem Brandenburger Tor

Our trade fair/event department offers the best of our range of services - this time for Zeeh Design.

Gruppenbild mit Lan Lan Li und ihrem Team hinter einem gedeckten Tisch

New country, new language, new training: no problem for our power woman Lan Lan Li.

From pioneer to industry giant: Rieck Entsorgungs-Logistik (EL) is celebrating its 30th anniversary - and continues to grow.

Together with IDS, we have a goal: net zero emissions by 2050.

How can we take more responsibility for our society? Our answer: The HEARTProject.