E-commerce even easier

Online trade is booming - also at Rieck Systemspedition. Rieck is now making the delivery of items by truck even more convenient for private customers.

More and more private customers are ordering every conceivable product online. Rieck Systemspedition is also noticing this trend: everything above the normal parcel size is transported as general cargo - whether sports equipment, larger spare parts or outdoor articles.

"We have inspired new customers with our services."
Julien Schlierkamp, Assistant to the Forwarding Manager at Rieck

As a partner of the IDS general cargo cooperation, Rieck makes online shopping even more convenient for private individuals: recipients receive e-mails when their consignment is dispatched in the evening and delivered in the morning. Private customers are also informed about possible delays in the delivery process. If someone cannot be at home, there are various delivery options for the recipient. A brand new option is neighborhood delivery to the same house or street. "Online retail is booming - we have adapted well to this and have won over new customers with our services," says Julien Schlierkamp, Assistant to the Forwarding Manager at Rieck.