Disposal - but the right way

Rieck Entsorgungs-Logistik developed an efficient waste disposal concept for the SMS group's major construction site in Mönchengladbach.

The new SMS group campus is currently under construction in Mönchengladbach. The company, which is regarded as the global market leader in metallurgical plant construction, has commissioned LEONHARD WEISS GmbH, one of the largest construction companies in Germany, to carry out the construction work on this major project.

LEONHARD WEISS is coordinating the trades on the major SMS construction site and organizing the procurement of materials and personnel. LEONHARD WEISS is once again relying on the expertise of Rieck Entsorgungs-Logistik GmbH for the provision of containers and the professional disposal of construction waste. "We knew from previous projects that Rieck Entsorgungs-Logistik, as a reliable specialist waste disposal company, was also the right partner for us at the SMS group construction site," summarizes Lars Gaßmann, the project manager responsible for the construction project at LEONHARD WEISS.

"We knew that Rieck Entsorgungs-Logistik was the right partner for us."
Lars Gaßmann, project manager for the SMS construction project at LEONHARD WEISS

New building for 1,500 employees

The new SMS group campus includes a technology center, a service center and a digitalization center. Construction work on the approximately 44,000 square meter site has been underway since the beginning of 2021. Around 1,500 employees will move into their modern workplaces in five modular buildings in 2023.

Rieck is providing a total of 15 containers for intelligent construction site waste disposal, which will be emptied on a regular basis. "To ensure that this runs smoothly, we have defined four access points on the construction site, which our vehicles can use to target the containers," explains Thorsten Strauß, the Rieck waste disposal logistics account manager responsible for the SMS group construction site. "Every driver knows exactly which container needs to be emptied or exchanged and how this procedure can be carried out as efficiently as possible."

Rieck Entsorgungs-Logistik permanently provides 15 containers for intelligent construction site disposal.

Sorting makes sense

The containers are set up near the cranes and at collection points where construction waste such as wood, building rubble, polystyrene and scrap steel is separated. In this way, Rieck Entsorgungs-Logistik also contributes to compliance with the Commercial Waste Ordinance (GewAbfV) on large construction sites. This requires the pre-sorting of waste on the construction site so that less mixed construction waste is produced, the disposal of which would be considerably more expensive for the contractor.

Wherever possible, Rieck sets up large 36 m3 containers. Together with Jochen Stolz, the LEONHARD WEISS foreman responsible for the construction site, this solution, which makes sense for everyone, was implemented.  "We normally equip construction sites with 7 m3 containers that can be easily lifted by crane," says Thorsten Strauß. "This large construction site naturally produces a lot of construction waste - so using the large containers makes perfect sense. This means that our drivers don't have to make daily trips and we save costs for the contractor."

"The use of large containers makes sense on this large construction site."
Thorsten Strauß, account manager at the SMS group construction site

Building on good experience

In recent years, Rieck Entsorgungs-Logistik has already supported two LEONHARD WEISS construction projects in Düsseldorf: it provided containers and waste disposal at the construction site of the new Trivago building in 2017 and at the Kö-Bogen construction site in 2019.

Rieck Entsorgungs-Logistik was able to win over the construction company in the tender for the SMS group's current construction project. "It wasn't just the expertise and fair prices that convinced us, but also the conceptual support to increase efficiency on the construction site," says Lars Gaßmann.

"We were also impressed by the conceptual support provided by Rieck Entsorgungs-Logistik."
Lars Gaßmann, Projektleiter für das SMS-Bauprojekt bei LEONHARD WEISS

By providing customized containers, Rieck is helping to complete the multi-million euro project within the planned construction period. The shell of the building should be ready by the beginning of 2022, and SMS group will then move into the new campus in 2023.