Recycling in perfection

Rieck uses recycling collection bags made from 100 % recycled material. This is how recycling for recycling works.

Avoiding mountains of waste, lowering greenhouse gas emissions and reducing the need for energy and raw materials: Reusing or recycling waste protects the environment. Take plastic, for example: products and packaging made from recycled plastic are becoming increasingly common. Yesterday's yoghurt pot is now a carrier bag.

Ballen aus gepressten Wertstoffen

It's the inner values that count here

Due to the recycled material, the bags look slightly different to their conventional polyethylene counterparts and are not as transparent. However, the cloudy film is not at the expense of quality: the recycled sacks are just as tear-resistant and robust. They also carry the Blue Angel. This eco-label is awarded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment for particularly environmentally friendly products.

The bags are available from Rieck in Neuss in 240 and 1,000 liter sizes and are suitable for polystyrene, PET bottles, paper or other large-volume recyclable materials - in other words, anything that can be reintroduced into the recycling cycle.

Rieck Entsorgungs-Logistik takes care of professional recycling and disposal at its own recycling center in the port of Neuss. Here, private individuals, tradespeople and businesses can simply hand in recyclable materials such as paper, PE film, batteries and fluorescent tubes free of charge. Other waste such as building rubble, wood and car tires are of course also disposed of by the professionals at low cost.

We live and breathe recycling, whether this is with our customers' waste or in the purchase of the goods and merchandise we need - sensible recycling is not only in keeping with the times, it is a matter of course
Stefan Rieck, Managing Partner of RLG

Whether paper or plastics: Rieck Entsorgungs-Logistik ensures responsible and efficient recycling with the help of a modern channel baling press. Among other things, it processes various plastics - which are then used to produce recycled collection bags, for example. Recycling in perfection!