Welcome to Rieck

Whether it's the telephone switchboard or reception - the first contact with Rieck is like our business card. We introduce two of our colleagues.

Friendly, competent and helpful - anyone who enters or calls our company wants exactly this kind of service. And of course you get it! Here we introduce you to two of our colleagues from reception - our "good souls" in Großbeeren and in Hamburg.

At the head office ...

Carola Lichtenberg-Benndorf has been the first person to welcome customers and visitors to our headquarters in Großbeeren for two years. She coordinates all appointments and welcomes guests.

"A friendly demeanor is very important to me. And, of course, that I stay calm in stressful situations."
Carola Lichtenberg-Benndorf, receptionist in Großbeeren

Anyone who calls our general number will first be put through to Carola Lichtenberg-Benndorf. She takes calls at the switchboard and forwards them to the relevant colleagues. Whether delivery inquiries, invoicing and booking matters or inquiries to the administration - Carola Lichtenberg-Benndorf knows immediately who can help with what. Of course, she also keeps a constant eye on the central Rieck info mailbox. She also handles outgoing mail on a deputy basis. And when there is a bit of spare time at reception, Carola Lichtenberg-Benndorf enters freight documents into the document management system.

She is well equipped for all her tasks: After training as an office administrator, she gained years of experience in dealing perfectly with customers. She also knows her way around a PC and has a trainer aptitude test. Our trainees also stop off at her reception desk on their journey through the company departments.

"The good working atmosphere among colleagues and with superiors makes my job attractive and appreciative."
Carola Lichtenberg-Benndorf, receptionist in Großbeeren

... and in the far north

At our air and sea freight location in Hamburg, Petra Jäger is where everything comes together. At reception, she coordinates the care of incoming visitors, connects calls from the switchboard to the relevant contact persons and deals with general e-mail inquiries. And with these and all her other tasks, no one can beat her: Petra Jäger has been with us in Hamburg for 28 years and knows all the processes inside out!

"I like the personal contact with other people - whether customers, visitors from other companies or applicants."
Petra Jäger, receptionist in Hamburg

After training as an office management assistant, Petra Jäger attended a secretarial school and worked for Westdeutsche Landesbank in Luxembourg, among others, until her path - fortunately! - led her to us in Hamburg. In addition to her first contact service, Petra Jäger takes care of numerous other tasks: She is responsible for outgoing mail, orders office supplies and processes invoices. And as if that wasn't enough, she also handles the forwarding of sea freight inquiries.

"By the way, I've been addressed as 'Ms. Rieck' on the phone before."
Petra Jäger, receptionist in Hamburg

Of course, she never gets bored with her workload. Maybe that's why she enjoys her work so much.

There for you: Petra Jäger (left) and Carola Lichtenberg-Benndorf